Time Stamp Protocol Demo/Interop

Interoperate with the Redwax RFC3161 Time Stamp Protocol module.

We have implemented a Time Stamp Protocol endpoint that allows you to test your client implementation against a Redwax Server.

The code being run is the most up to date build from trunk/main in source control, and is built and deployed automatically. The Redwax Interop server is for testing purposes only.

Time Stamp Demo/Interop Server

When testing your Time Stamp client implementation, use the following details.


Server URL https://interop.redwax.eu/test/timestamp
Time Stamp Digest SHA256
Time Stamp Policy
Time Source System Clock
Serial Numbers Random

Redwax Module Configuration

The following configuration is used to implement this timestamp server. The configuration below is added to a standard secure virtualhost Apache configuration, as described here.


Here we set the timestamp handler, and set the certificates and keys to be used for timestamping.

<IfModule !ca_module>
  LoadModule ca_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_ca.so
<IfModule !ca_simple_module>
  LoadModule ca_simple_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_ca_simple.so
<IfModule !timestamp_module>
  LoadModule timestamp_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_timestamp.so

<Location /rs/timestamp>
  SetHandler timestamp
  TimestampSigningCertificate /etc/pki/interop/timestamp.cert
  TimestampSigningKey /etc/pki/interop/private/timestamp.key
  TimestampDigest SHA256
  CASimpleSerialRandom on
  CASimpleTime on


Time Stamping with OpenSSL

Run the following OpenSSL commands to create and verify a timestamp.

Command Line

To generate a timestamp, ask openssl to generate a timestamp request containing the hash of the file you want to timestamp by running the command below.

openssl ts -query -data my-novel.doc \
  -cert -sha256 -no_nonce \
  -out request.tsq


POST the request to the Redwax Interop Time Stamp server, and record the response.

curl -H "Content-type: application/timestamp-query" \
  --data-binary @request.tsq \
  https://interop.redwax.eu/test/timestamp > reply.tsq


Display the timestamp using the commands below.

openssl ts -reply -text -in reply.tsq
openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in reply.tsq